Day of the Heroic Guerrillero: Tenth Anniversary of the Death of Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara


This poster, produced by the Continental Latin American and Caribbean Student Organisation (OCLAE), pays homage to Che Guevara on the tenth anniversary of his death. It includes a quote from Jose Marti, Cuban poet, journalist, and independence fighter who died on the battlefield during the Cuban Independence War of 1895. The quote reads:

“Each day we love our brothers who died more; we do not wish peace upon their remains, because they live in the towering agitations of glory; today, we shed another tear in their memory, and we are inspired to cry for their energy and courage. Cry with us all you who feel! Suffer with us all you who love! Kneel on the earth, tremble in remorse, wail with fear, all you who on that tremendous day helped to kill!”

Jose Marti, 1872

Senate House Library: B 320 PAM/Posters